
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Updates in August

It's been a while since my last update. This is the point where people usually start promising more updates, and I suppose that's what I'm doing now. This isn't just an empty promise though. A bunch of stuff has happened recently that I feel is conducive to more writing, primarily a move to Blacksburg, Virginia. That's 40 minutes away from Roanoke, so I'm a commuter now. This might not sound like it bodes well for me getting stuff done because it's essentially 2 hours every day that I am additionally stuck in a car, but I've always gotten a lot of quality thinking done while driving. Plus I'll be downloading a bunch of MTG podcasts to listen to. Maybe I'll even listen to some Judgecasts... ok probably not. I still think everything I say is silly banter, and there's no reason to listen to yourself talk about the movies you saw last week.

The casts I am downloading for this week are In Contention; Yo! MTG Taps!; Avant Card Show; and The Mana Pool.

I've also started running seriously again. The goal is to get ready for a 10-mile race at the end of September. With a few weekends off between that span and a really nice trail a little over a mile away from my home, I should be able to get some quality runs in like yesterday when I went 7.1 miles after work.

WotC released the first quarter GP/PT schedule for 2012 and it is a doozy. PT Honolulu is sweet and worth about 10,000 miles r/t (round trip). That's a good way to keep up the pace for 1K (100,000 miles) next year. GP Seattle is about 5,000 r/t, the next best domestic trip. The international GPs are obviously good mileage, but they are all paired up against domestic GPs, and that doesn't event take into consideration what StarCityGames will be doing next year.

All in all, truly a tournament every weekend type of stuff for 2012, which makes it that much more important to be able to run consistently on the weekdays, something I'm hoping to do before work. Getting in 3-4 miles should be possible with the key being getting to bed early the night before. I'll have more in depth stuff on all of this and the release of Korean Magic cards this week.

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